Player Profile

William Faison

William Faison

  • Full Name

    William Faison II

  • Date of Birth

    April 13th, 2001

  • Height

    6'2 ft

  • Weight

    195 Pounds


  • Club Name: De Deacon FC
  • Club Debut: December 19th, 2023
  • Previous Club: De Deacon FC
De Deacon FC 0 Matches Played


William is a talented soccer player who has been playing the sport since a young age. With a passion for the game and a strong work ethic, William has honed their skills and become a versatile player on the field. During their high school years, William had the opportunity to play in various positions, showcasing their adaptability and versatility. However, it was as a right back that William truly excelled. Their speed, agility, and defensive prowess make them a formidable force on the right side of the field. After high school, William continued their soccer journey by playing at the college level. Their dedication and commitment to the sport have earned them recognition among their teammates and coaches. William continues to thrive as a right back, using their skills to contribute to the team's success. With a bright future ahead, William is determined to continue improving their skills and making a significant impact on the soccer field.

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