Player Profile

Niel Lupey

Niel Lupey

  • Full Name

    Niel Lupey

  • Date of Birth

    August 24th, 2003

  • Height

    6'1 ft

  • Weight

    180 Pounds


  • Matches: 8
  • Goals: 8
  • Club Name: De Deacon FC
  • Club Debut: March 24th, 2023
  • Previous Club: De Deacon FC
De Deacon FC 8 Matches Played


I started off my career in soccer when I was 4 years old. Ever since I have been training and playing for different teams in the US and in Europe at a high level to improve everyday and eventually one day achieve my dream of becoming a professional soccer player. Soccer is my passion and my life and without it I would not be here. 

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