Player Profile

Berny Nsansi

Berny Nsansi

  • Date of Birth

    January 1st, 2001

  • Height

    5.10 ft

  • Weight

    130 Pounds


  • Matches: 10
  • Goals: 3
  • Passing: Assist (2)
  • Club Name: De Deacon FC
  • Club Debut: March 24th, 2023
  • Previous Club: De Deacon FC
De Deacon FC 10 Matches Played


Very ambiguous and organized individual love football with all my soul, played in high school and club level captained for 3 years in club level, also played semi pro with Sosa fc two years ago, love to play in both wing left or right, very attacking minded, attack with pace is unstoppable. My goal this season is to improve individually and team success comes first and also help the manager or coach as much as I can to keep the team together.  A team that trust and love each other will die for each other in the field of play.

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